Course curriculum

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    • Welcome to Book Content

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    Front and back matter

    • What are the front/back matter?

    • Preface vs Foreword vs Introduction

    • Acknowledgements + Dedication page

    • About the Author

    • Appendix

    • Summary / Final thoughts

    • 'One last thing'

    • Disclaimers

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    Other 'ingredients'

    • Quotes and pull quotes

    • Summary/takeaways

    • Parables and fables

    • Acronyms

    • Screengrabs

    • Photos

    • Questions

    • Lists / Challenges

    • Illustrative fillers

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    'Steal' content

    • The James Dyson mistake

    • How to steal 'properly'

    • How NOT to steal

    • More stories of 'stealing'

    • Using other books as templates

    • Feeling like a copycat

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    Bonus lessons

    • Referring to other experts