Course curriculum

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    • Outsourcing is like the orchestra

    • Why outsource?

    • Outsourcing is not expensive

    • Know your limits

    • Myths about outsourcers (Allen Kaufman)

    • Make use of expert abilities

    • Ask questions

    • What happens when you outsource

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    Outsourcing Success

    • Christine Clayfield

    • Rob Cubbon

    • What Tony Buzan says about outsourcing

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    Things you can outsource

    • Illustrations

    • Book titles

    • Outlines

    • Research work

    • Proofreading/editing

    • Creating the Kindle version of your book

    • Your book's website

    • MORE things you can outsource

    • Virtual assistant

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    Outsourcing Mistakes

    • Be aware of your worker

    • Be clear with your instructions

    • Instructions for your outsourcer (cover)

    • Don't use outsourcing companies

    • Ask for a miracle

    • Use different outsourcers for different jobs

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    Tips for using outsourcers

    • Choose your outsourcer wisely

    • Choosing among bidders

    • Don’t accept work that is less than ideal

    • Send work back if you're unhappy

    • Ensure quality work

    • Treat your outsourcers well

    • Spine width

    • Reluctant to post photographs in job brief

    • Get outsourcers to commit to the deadline

    • Sending corrections to your outsourcer

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    Communicating with outsourcers

    • Sense of urgency

    • Think twice before hitting Send

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    Outsourcers overdeliver

    • Farah and the Balloon Principle

    • Writing more words than asked for

    • Farah and Usain Bolt

    • Proofreaders Naomi and Doreen

    • Naomi and laying out of images in the book

    • Layout designer Ahmet

    • Josie and her editor

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    • Signing up

    • Posting a job

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    • Fiverr gigs I used

    • Finding outsourcers on Fiverr

    • Gigs: Convert to epub

    • Gigs: Word to designed PDF

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    Job brief: Writer

    • Hiring a writer

    • What your brief should have...

    • Unnecessary greetings

    • Be clear with what you want

    • Your book, your decision

    • Asking for 'thoughts'

    • Setting a price

    • Choosing an outsourcer

    • How to communicate with your worker

    • Not meeting the word count

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    Job brief: Cover designer

    • Book cover job brief

    • Job brief template: Book cover

    • Attach your complete file

    • Adjusting the spine width

    • Beware of these cover designers

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    Job brief: Editor

    • Proofreader vs. Editor

    • Job brief template: Editor

    • Job brief template: Proofreader

    • Information to include

    • How much should I pay?

    • Subject line: Use 'document' instead of 'book'

    • Use Track Changes

    • Example of editors

    • An editor I recommend: Tony Crofts

    • A quick note before passing your file to an editor

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    Job brief: Illustrator

    • Job brief template: Illustrator

    • Clear descriptions

    • Get rough sketches done first

    • Types of illustrations

    • 'Art style' instructions

    • Delete pages from a pdf (attachment)

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    • Using Upwork

    • Outsource research work to Upwork or Fiverr?

    • Replying to bidders who don't get the job

    • Why you shouldn't worry about hiring a 'bad' outsourcer...

    • Worries about outsourcing

    • When should I decide on the proposals?