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** Watch the one-minute video above **

Click on the "Enroll for free" button – on the left above my video and below "Secrets..." – to sign up for the course and learn how to create stories that can double or quadruple the sales of the products you promote!


Chris Payne

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Secrets to Using Simple Stories to Quadruple Sales and Leads

    • Welcome!

    • Introduction

    • Hero with a Thousand Faces

    • The Hero's Journey video

    • Step 1: Stuck in the wasteland

    • Step 2: Call to adventure

    • Step 3: Cross threshold into a new world

    • Step 4: Things get worse

    • Step 5: Triumph and transformation

    • Step 6: Return to the homeland

    • The Hero's Journey Cycle

    • Your next steps