Course curriculum

  • 1

    Super-thin books

    • A few steps to take...

    • Non-fiction ebooks

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    Some super-thin books

    • Who Moved My Cheese book

    • A Message to Garcia book

    • The Kickstart Ultra Simple Weight Loss Plan book

    • The 80/20 Principle (Richard Koch)

    • The Next Step book

    • More examples: video intro

    • More examples: video

  • 3

    The Kickstart Ultra Simple Weight Loss Plan

    • Martin Avis's 2-hour ebook

  • 4

    A Message to Garcia

    • How A Message to Garcia came about

    • A Message to Garcia: introduction

    • Download: A Message to Garcia

    • Henry Kissinger story: important

  • 5

    Super-thin book ideas

    • Past speeches/lectures

    • Graduation speech

    • More steps to take